Top Performer Myths
A top performer is probably not what you think he or she looks like. As a society, we do a phenomenal job of underestimating people and projecting our own insecurities.
Top performers don’t come from any specific background. They didn’t necessarily go to college, finish first in their class, have a fancy car, or live in the best neighborhoods. Most top performers wouldn’t recognize a silver spoon as something they needed unless it was for their cereal or soup bowl.
Here’s the truth about top performers; it is not a demographic, it is a MINDSET!
Top performers show up with passion. They lead with tenacity. They have specific goals. They are actively involved. They have a plan of action. They don’t leave things to chance. They consistently work on themselves and their craft.
Greatness doesn’t care about what you look like or where you come from. Anyone, from anywhere, can be a top performer.
Top performers share a common belief that challenges aren’t meant to break you, they are meant to make you. Some have a long road and some have a road full of hazards. But they choose to go down the path of greatness, regardless of the obstacles. Top performers take the high road in order to shape the future.
The truth is out and the excuses are gone. So what are you prepared to do? You wanna be a top performer - it’s up to you!
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