Grit is the combination of passion and perseverance.
It’s amazing what happens when you just won’t give up. Persistence is the mother of change.
Grit is what drives you to success and helps you to stay the course when things aren’t easy or fun.
Personal improvement is a daily discipline with no rest days and no time off. You are either in the business of doing the hard work to improve or you simply want to look like you are improving without doing any of the work.
The path to a breakthrough is supposed to be a challenge worthy of bringing out the best in you. Grit is how we stay the course to put in enough time and enough work to allow the best of ourselves to emerge.
Every single day wake up and commit to yourself that you will outwork and outlast others until you reach your goal.
We are on a mission to help people to accomplish big goals by taking small, consistent steps.
My ask is that you share this message with some one today who needs to hear a message of optimism and action.
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Have a question for Chip or want to learn about private coaching? You can email Chip at