Once you have a goal the most important thing you can make is progress.
Don’t worry about a ten year hyper detailed plan. The only thing you can guarantee about that kind of plan is that it will change. Procrastination will kill your motivation.
The big secret is that MOTIVATION FOLLOWS ACTION.
Waiting to have enough experience, enough money or the perfect time are all excuses based in fear. Cut your excuses and double the actions around your goals.
Identify the small steps you can take today and focus on making progress. Act the way you want to feel and get started right now. What are you waiting for?
We are on a mission to help people to accomplish big goals by taking small, consistent steps.
My ask is that you share this message with some one today who needs to hear a message of optimism and action.
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Have a question for Chip or want to learn about private coaching? You can email Chip at getconsistencycoaching@gmail.com.